Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Highlight Reel

So, we did it!  The husband and I survived our very first family Thanksgiving day feast!  Our first visitors, my father and brother, arrived separately on the Tuesday before.  My father arrived in San Francisco, and my brother in Sacramento... landing an hour apart from each other (it is a 35 min drive to SAC and a 1hr drive to SFO)!  Nonetheless, thank goodness for his and her vehicles and we split up to pick them up.  5 more people, hubby's aunt, uncle, brother, and 2 cousins (one of whom was 6),  all arrived the next morning. 

That afternoon we decided to take the whole clan, all 9 of us to the flightline and introduce them to our respective airplanes.

We then went out to eat and crammed everyone into a place in our home.  That night 3 more people came, hubby's cousin, her boyfriend, and her 6 year old daughter.

That night I had trouble sleeping.  I was so worried about cooking the 13lb turkey we purchased and organizing cooking everything else!

The morning of turkey day we started it off with some banana nut pancakes and then started COOK FEST 2010.   We took the "thawed out" $7 Safeway bargain turkey out of the refrigerator only to find that it was not quite as thawed as we'd hoped.   Long story short, after about 2 hours of waiting for the turkey to thaw and for hubby's aunt to bring us the celery, onion, and carrots I forgot for the stuffing, we finally seasoned, stuffed, and shoved the turkey in the oven. 

For appetizers/lunch I prepared some deviled eggs and sweet potato fries as well as a round of sourdough to dip into our 1 year old garlic and rosemary olive oil.   The trimmings to the turkey included a maple, pineapple, and cherry glazed ham, stuffing, my mac and cheese casserole, hubby's green bean casserole, dad's sweet potato pudding, auntie's fruit salad, my mashed potatoes/yams, sweet corn, and dinner rolls.  YUM!  Lastly, dessert consisted of my pumpkin spice cookie cakes, apple pie, pumpkin pie, and vanilla ice cream.

Our lovely main dinner table.  BTW, this was brand new, purchased via a seller on Craigslist!

By this time it was about 5:30pm and everyone was staaaaarving.  We didn't have much time for a full group picture.


The next day we took everyone on a very hectic trip to San Francisco - needing two vehicles.  Ugh.  Nonetheless, we got some gorgeous pictures out of it.

Cousin and boyfriend :)

Aunt and Uncle :)

Father and I :)

Brother in law

And one of my favorites of the day.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, as we sure did.  

Welcome home Mister!

So you may already know, Mr. Speedbird has finally made it home safely from his second deployment!  I was lucky enough to make it onto the flightline to welcome him personally.  :-)  Words cannot describe how unbelievably happy I was to see him walk down those long stairs and into my arms!!!!

During the final weekend the hubster was deployed, without his knowing, I went on a day trip to Napa with some friends from the squadron and their wives.  It was on this trip that I finally chose a winery to join and get all of the benefits.  The Kuleto Estate winery sits atop a lovely hill in the heart of Napa Valley with views and a setting to die for.  Sitting outside at one of its many viewpoints transports you to a central Italian villa. I fell in love with the view, and the wine, and the VIEW!  Unfortunately I didn't have my big time new fancy camera with me, but now that I'm a member, I will be taking more pictures and practicing the art!

I planned a trip to Napa the Saturday after he arrived, but the rainy season has hit the Bay area hard and we were rained in.  Hopefully soon we will visit the gorgeous grounds!

Until next time.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My last two missions

Ok, So I've been slacking again.  But I return bearing gifts.  Here are some photos that I've taken from my last two trips on my fancy new camera.

Some of my favorites from two missions ago...
Getting ready to depart Ramstein AB, Germany.

Departing out of Bagram AB, Afghanistan tooking at a sunrise over the 'Stans.

Our crew mission complete at McGuire AFB, New Jersey.  Pretty sweet, huh.

Favorites from my latest mission - Spain, Italy, Bahrain, Norfolk VA, Las Vegas NV
The big Irish pub at Rota had Duff beer!!!  Now, for those of you that don't know, I'm one of the biggest Simpsons fans there is.  So I freaked and took a picture.  I didn't drink it, but I heard it wasn't bad!

Every time I see a KC-10 I think of the Mr.  So I couldn't resist myself here at the Sigonella NS ramp in Italy.

With the sunrise behind him in Italy.

We carry some very interesting cargo.

First sunset in Norfolk

F-22 Raptor in Vegas taxiing for departure.

Hope you enjoyed!  

P.S.:   Babe, you didn't look too bad yourself: