As the sun begins to set on my second deployment (emphasis on BEGINS as I still have 3 weeks left) I find myself thinking of the things that help me bear the time over here and away from life back home. I utilize the standard: movies, tv series, working out and playing video games a lot because there is nothing else to do. However, I also have a few personal things that help me pass the days. I try to study quite a bit while I am over here, be it my masters classes or professional development courses. I also find myself browsing the net and straying off on tangents. Next thing I know I have constructed a wish list for upgrades to my car that should keep my busy for quite a while once I return stateside.
This is where the "standard" ways of passing time develop into the more random and often more enjoyable moments that keep the mind occupied. I anxiously await the Thanksgiving gathering that will be less than a week after I get home. It is shaping up to be quite the shindig :-). I see our dog at home when my Mrs. shows me him on the webcam and I think about playing with him and spoiling him (even though Lady Speedbird does WAY more spoiling than I do lol). All these things being mentioned, I think one of the things that helps me get by out here the most is music. Though I have had less time to keep up with the newer stuff and it has been entirely too long since we have been to a concert, I am no less passionate about my tunes.
There are songs that define moments of your life. The first time you drove on your own and cranked the radio. The song your team played to get you psyched up for the big game. The songs that help you get through the toughest of times and remind you of the best of times. I had one such song warm my soul yesterday. A few of our friends here were celebrating their last night here before they went home and another friend brings out his guitar to assist with the entertainment. The first song he decided to play instantly sent me off to another time and place. It was "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton. My beautiful wife happened to walk down the aisle on our wedding day to a string quartet version of this song. My mind wasted no time in going back to that amazing day and I thought about seeing her as she walked toward me to say before God and everyone there that she wanted to be with no one else but me for the rest of her life, and I with her. She was absolutely radiant.
More than ANYTHING else in this world she is what keeps me going. Knowing that she is with me no matter where I end up, no matter what happens and the simple fact that no matter what I come home to, I come home to her is what allows me to deal with everything that goes on over here. The moment that memory came flooding back to me was the single best time I have had since I left home, so I would like to share a portion of it. I leave you with a photo of my lovely wife and how wonderful she looked that night.

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