Starting engines at Bagram AB, AFG
Loading a CV-22 at Kandahar AB, AFG
Holding Short of Traffic at Camp Bastion, AFG
Checking out a C-130 land while still holding short.
I almost completely forgot to talk about the Children's Deployment Day that our squadron participated in at Turkey! We basically did a static display for almost 100 children and their parents/chaperones. It was probably my favorite part of the deployment, hands down, and I didn't go anywhere!
...and, finally, me being full of myself.
Tata for now, kiddies.
Now that's my girl! She's "over there" defending those of us back here in "The States", enjoying the good life. I'm so proud of her, because I know what, and how much she is sacrificing. I'm sure all of us, family and friends, feel the same way about Danielle. She is not a selfish person, and never was, even as a child. Thank you for your service, Sweetheart. You're at the controls, so always fly high above all the dangers, and turmoil in this crazy, mixed up world. Love, Dad