Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just for dad...

Turn down (or mute) your sound!  Sorry for all of the background noise...

... this was taken on a military airplane, you know!  Landing at Ali Al Salem AB, Kuwait, today.   Look at that amazing visibility!

... and the picture you've been dying for.  Taken today at Al Udeid AB, Qatar.

Happy Trails, Dad.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm procrastinating, so....

...picture time!  Since I'm bored and don't want to do homework, and in light of the deployment being more than halfway over, here are some downrange shots that I've taken so far.

Starting engines at Bagram AB, AFG
Loading a CV-22 at Kandahar AB, AFG
Holding Short of Traffic at Camp Bastion, AFG
Checking out a C-130 land while still holding short.

I almost completely forgot to talk about the Children's Deployment Day that our squadron participated in at Turkey!  We basically did a static display for almost 100 children and their parents/chaperones.  It was probably my favorite part of the deployment, hands down, and I didn't go anywhere!

...and, finally, me being full of myself.

Tata for now, kiddies.

Monday, May 3, 2010

And thus we begin the downward spiral...

Gule Gule Turkey, مرحباKuwait!

Now it's really starting to feel like a deployment! 

Ok. So on the 1st day of merry ol' May, I packed my happy ass up and left for Kuwait. Ok, sorry. Didn't mean for the profanity. It's definitely different here.  I will say that I was quite surprised when I arrived.  The weather was actually pretty tolerable.  I guess the rolling thunderstorms sure helped.  Today, however, I did get a glimpse of how hot and humid it can really get here.  I can truly say, though, that I will really be productive here!  There's not really much else to do!  In the two days I've been here, I've done more pushups than I did the whole time at Turkey! (I should mention that there is a pushup challenge going on within the squadron. I'm already at 160!)  Swimsuit body, here I come!  

(( As a quick side note:  in the time that we haven't written, the Mr. and I have planned a trip to Mexico this summer as a welcome back from deployment gift to ourselves.  Something bright at the end of the tunnel. I won't talk much about it now, only when it is fully paid for and the leave is approved, will I go on further. ))  

Since I've been here in Kuwait, it seems hard to get to talk to the hubster. Now that he's on wacky flying schedules, and I'm on a tight schedule working the desk this week, we only have time to just miss each other via email. It's frustrating. I'll go into more detail on the living situation when I get the time to post pictures, most likely by next week.

60 days and counting.

downward spi