So this trip has been a rollercoaster (not that that is unusual). We started getting delayed a day back home, which I was thankful for because it meant I could stay home with Mrs. one more night. However, since I was leaving the same time she was I was doing preflight stuff and unable to give her the proper send off from home for her deployment. It killed me starting engines and taxiing out while I was watching her and her squadron get on their plane. As much as it sucked I was also looking forward to the trip I was leaving on. Our first stop was in Hawaii but TACC cut our ground time to minimum. We had just enough time to check in, eat dinner, and go to sleep. The next morning we got up and flew a 10.7 hr trip across the pacific to Japan where we were supposed to have a decent amount of time on the ground. I was going to go to a custom tailor shop right off base and get some bag tags made for myself and Lady Speedbird as well as one of our friends in her squadron. TAC strikes again!!!! Upon landing in Japan we were informed we had min turn time yet again....Burger King on the way off base to check in to the hotel and not even time to unwind before we had to go to sleep. The hotel we stayed in was rather nice though. It was up on a hill with a decent view of Okinawa. Which is what you saw when you started reading ;-) The next morning was a whirlwind yet again. We took off from Japan to catch up to another tanker dragging some A-10's and we took over for the first tanker, completing the drag to land here in Utaphao Thailand. Now is where the love part of TACC comes in. First of all I get to come to Thailand, 'nuff said. Second of all they give us 36 hrs on the ground here to wait and take some 18's back to Japan on our way home. This place is shall we say....interesting. The spectrum of stuff one witnesses here is amazing. This is the view from my room here in Pattaya beach

amazing, right? Sorry the picture is kind of blurry my phone doesnt do so well in low light :-/ Also we may be going though a different place in Japan on the way home so I will get to stick another pin in the map :-) With at least two more days left on this trip who knows what could lie in store! Until next time.....
P.S. A special 'round the world kiss to my Lady Speedbird!!!
Smooooches back to you! TACC can be quite annoying, but they did get you Thailand and me Turkey!