Thursday, September 9, 2010

In honor of our "1st" anniversary...

Contrary to the beliefs of many of our friends and family, the Mr. and I actually tied the knot 2 years ago, on the same date in Pensacola Beach, FL.  Since its been 2 years now from that original, small JOP (justice of the peace) wedding and 1 year since the "real" one, i deem it only fair to share some pictures from that very special, private, and perfect day.

Again, we meant to hurt no one when making the decision to keep the first wedding hush hush - we wanted to "real" wedding to not be jaded by this fact.  

Most pictures below taken by our engagement photographer, Jessica of Jessica Leigh Photography.  So here goes, August 22, 2008:

The Hampton Inn - Pensacola Beach.  Thanks to their generosity, we scored a free wedding space there.  We originally wanted to wed on the beach itself, but our engagement photos were taken right before the wedding and lasted past sunset, so we moved it inside. 

Mr. Speedbird's stepmom bought this gorgeous and simple bouquet last minute for me :-)

He got me the first time, too.

Thanks again to all those who have supported us this far.  Our life is very different from most traditional relationships (I mean, hey, I started writing this post in Spain, while the hubby is home in California), but this is why we love who we are and being together.  

I love you, Mr. Speedbird!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Catching up with family

Mr Speedbird here,
Well, I decided since Mrs Speedbird was gone for Labor Day weekend I would take a last minute trip to see some family in WA state that I have not seen in entirely too long. I got to see my aunt, uncle, 4 cousins, 1 cousin's sig other (I consider him a good friend even though we had never actually met in person, only talked online) 2 of my cousins young'ins, their puppy Shady, and last but certainly not least my brother who was there because he is working OTR trucking with 2 of our cousins that were there as well. Confused yet? Good ;-P I flew in late Saturday night, stayed Sunday, and left Monday afternoon to come home. The time we had was short, but priceless. Here is a few pictures of our excursion day :-)

A beautiful stream/ river that we went to and killed some time.

My Uncle Mike and Aunt Laura at Crescent Lake (so deep the dont know exactly HOW deep!)

My Brother Garrett, cousin Allen, uncle Mike, and me